DateFinished Author(s) Title
1/30/2012 Schacter, Daniel L. The seven sins of memory: How the mind forgets and remembers
2/17/2012 Livingston, James Against thrift: Why consumer culture is good for the economy, the environment, and your soul
2/20/2012 Lewis, Michael Moneyball: The art of winning an unfair game
2/21/2012 Lelord, Francois Hector and the Secrets of Love: A Novel
2/27/2012 Constanda, Christian Dude, Can you Count
3/22/2012 Hubbard, Douglas W. The Failure of Risk Management: Why it's broken and how to fix it
3/28/2012 McKinney, Phil Beyond the obvious: Killer questions that spark game-changing innovation
4/2/2012 Farmelo, Graham The strangest man: the hidden life of Paul Dirac, mystic of the atom
4/6/2012 Orzel, Chad How to teach physics to your dog
4/22/2012 Rhodes, Richard Hedy's Folly: The life and breakthrough inventions of Hedy Lamarr the most beautiful woman in the world
5/21/2012 Devlin, Keith The man of numbers: Fibonacci's arithmetic revolution
5/22/2012 MacCormick, John 9 algorithms that changed the future: The ingenious ideas that drive today's computers
6/1/2012 Stout, Rex Nero Wolfe: The black mountain
6/7/2012 Eagleman, David Incognito: The secret lives of the brain
6/20/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Pass the gravy
6/25/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Traps need fresh bait
6/26/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Cut thin to win
6/30/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Widows wear weeds
7/4/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Top of the heap
7/10/2012 Dyson, George Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe
7/17/2012 Derman, Emanuel Models. Behaving. Badly: Why confusing illusion with reality can lead to disaster, on wall street and in life
7/25/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Spill the jackpot
7/26/2012 Schlefer, Jonathan The Assumptions Economists Make
7/27/2012 Mazur, Joseph What's luck got to do with it? The History, mathematics, and psychology of the Gambler's illusion
7/29/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Crows can't count
8/2/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) Bedrooms have windows
8/4/2012 Gardner, Erle Stanley (A.A. Fair) You can die laughing
8/9/2012 Nielsen, Michael Reinventing Discovery: The new era of networked science
8/19/2012 Mlodinow, Leonard Subliminal: How your unconscious mind rules your behavior
9/5/2012 Achor, Shawn The Happiness Advantage: The seven principles of positive psychology that fuel success
9/9/2012 Witherspoon, Kimberley and Andrew Friedman Don't try this at home: Culinary catastrophes from the world's greatest chefs
9/16/2012 Dunham, William The Mathematical Universe: An alphabetical journey through the great proofs, problems, and personalities
9/26/2012 Cain, Susan Quiet: The power of introverts in a world that can't stop talking
11/16/2012 Ariely, Dan and Folger, Tim The best American science and nature writing: 2012
11/30/2012 Ropeik, David How risky is it, Really Why our fears don't always match the facts
12/6/2012 Strogatz, Steven The joy of X: A guided tour of math, from one to infinity
12/13/2012 Hitt, Jacl Bunch of amateurs: A search for the American character