DateFinished Author(s) Title
1/10/2013 Kurlansky, Mark Cod: A biography of the fish that changed the world
1/12/2013 Taleb, Nassim Nicholas The bed of Procrustes: philosophical and practical aphorisms
1/23/2013 Howard, Jonathan L. Johannes Cabal: The Detective
1/27/2013 Portnoy, Frank Wait: the art and science of delay
2/5/2013 Shermer, Michael Why Darwin Matters: The case against intelligent design
2/9/2013 Howard, Jonathan L. Johannes Cabal: The Necromancer
2/27/2013 Shermer, Michael The Borderlands of science: Where sense meets nonsense
3/8/2013 Dawkins, Richard The magic of reality: how we know what's really true
3/24/2013 Petzold, Charles The annotated Turing: A guided tour through Alan Turing's historic paper on computability and the Turing Machine
4/2/2013 Davenport, Thomas h., Harris, Jeanne G., and Morison, Robert Analytics at work: Smarter decisions better results
4/29/2013 Pink, Daniel H. To sell is human: The surprising truth about moving others
5/13/2013 Siegel, Eric Predictive Analytics: The power to predict who will click, buy, lie, or die
5/20/2013 Mauboussin, Michael J. Think Twice: Harnessing the power of counter intuition
5/24/2013 Zuk, Marlene Paleofantasy: What evolution really does tell us about sex, diet, and how we live
6/2/2013 Rosenzweig, Phil The halo effect and eight other business delusions that deceive managers
6/15/2013 Wheelan, Charles Naked economics: undressing the dismal science
6/27/2013 Wheelan, Charles Naked Statistics: stripping the dread from the data
7/7/2013 Kandel, Eric In search of memory: The emergence of a new science of mind
7/14/2013 Mauboussin, Michael J More than you know: Finding financial wisdom in unconventional places
7/23/2013 Halvorson, Heidi Grant and Higgins, E. Tory Focus: Use different ways of seeing the world for success and influence
8/7/2013 Godin, Seth The dip: A little book that teaches you when to quit (and when to stick)
8/11/2013 Franks, Bill Taming the big data tidal wave: Finding opportunities in huge data streams with advanced analytics
8/29/2013 Arbesman, Samuel The half-life of facts: Why everything we know has an expiration date
9/4/2013 Stein, James D How Math explains the world: A guide to the power of numbers, from car repair to modern physics
9/11/2013 Stein, James D How math can save your life
10/4/2013 Gertner, Jon The Idea factory: Bell Labs and the great age of American innovation
10/12/2013 Cox, Brian and Jeff Forshaw The Quantum Universe (and why anything that can happen, does)
11/1/2013 Quammen, David Spillover: Animal infections and the next human pandemic
12/15/2013 Wilson, Bee Consider the fork: A history of how we cook and eat
12/20/2013 Carroll, Sean The particle at the end of the universe: How the hunt for the Higgs Boson leads us to the edge of a new world
12/22/2013 Fforde, Jasper The woman who died a lot
12/25/2013 Frenkel, Edward Love & math: The heart of hidden reality