DateFinished Author(s) Title
1/5/2014 Burkeman, Oliver The Antidote: Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking
1/11/2014 Izner, Claude In the shadows of Paris: A Victor Legris mystery
1/21/2014 Lieberman, Daniel E. The story of the human body: Evolution, health, and disease
2/4/2014 Mullainathan, Sendhil and Eldar Shafir Scarcity: Why having too little means so much
2/17/2014 Pratchett, Terry Snuff
2/20/2014 Powell, Padget You & Me
2/25/2014 Brockman, John Thinking: The new science of decision making, problem-solving, and prediction
3/21/2014 Von Baeyer, Hans Christian Information: The new language of science
3/22/2014 Gneezy, Uri and List, John A. The Why Axis: Hidden motives and the undiscovered economics of everyday life
3/31/2014 Betts, Richard The essential scratch & sniff guide to becoming a wine expert
4/5/2014 Sacks, Oliver Hallucinations
5/24/2014 Mayer-Schonberger, Viktor and Cukier, Kenneth Big Data: A revolution that will transform how we live, work, and think
6/5/2014 Shepherd, Gordon M. Neurogastronomy: How the brain creates flavor and why it matters
6/21/2014 Atkins, Peter What is Chemistry?
7/14/2014 Le Couture, Penny and Burreson, James Napoleon's Buttons
7/30/2014 Emsley, John and Fell, Peter Was it something you ate? Food intolerance: what causes it and how to avoid it
8/5/2014 Rogers, Adam Proof: The science of booze
8/31/2014 Miodownik, Mark Stuff Matters: Exploring the marvelous materials that shape our man-made world
9/13/2014 Kolbert, Elizabeth The sixth extinction: an unnatural history
9/23/2014 Emsley, John Vanity, Vitality, and Virility: The science behind the products you love to buy
10/5/2014 Posamentier, Alfred S. and Lehmann, Ingmar Magnificent mistakes in mathematics
10/7/2014 Posamentier, Alfred S. Math Charmers: Tantalizing tidbits for the mind
10/16/2014 Deresiewicz, William Excellent Sheep: The miseducation of the American elite & the way to a meaningful life
10/22/2014 Silver, Nate The signal and the noise
11/2/2014 Hand, David J. The improbability principle: Why coincidences, miracles, and rare events happen every day
11/25/2014 Adams, Colin Zombies & Calculus
12/1/2014 Levitin , Daniel J. The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
12/5/2014 Ellenberg, Jordan How not to be wrong: The power of Mathematical thinking
12/16/2014 Smith, Gary Standard deviations: Flawed data, tortured data, and other ways to lie with statistics