DateFinished Author(s) Title
2017-02-05 Mukherjee. Siddhartha The Gene: An intimate history
2017-02-08 Amore, Anthony M. The art of the con: The most notorious fakes, frauds, and forgeries in the world
2017-02-20 Carroll, Sean B. The Serengeti rules: The quest to discover how life works and why it matters
2017-03-20 McGirr, Lisa The war on alcohol: Prohibition and the rise of the American state
2017-04-10 Sagan, Carl The demon haunted world: Science as a candle in the dark
2017-04-17 Cheng, Eugenia Beyond Infinity: An expedition to the outer limits of mathematics
2017-05-14 Gilovich, Thomas How we know what isn't so : the fallibility of human reason in everyday life
2017-05-28 Dormehl, Luke Thinking machines: the quest for artificial intelligence and where it's taking us next
2017-07-05 Nichols, Tom The Death of expertise: The campaign against established knowledge and why it matters
2017-08-18 Sloman, Steven and Fernbach, Philip The knowledge illusion: Why we never think alone
2017-08-23 Schneier, Bruce Liars and outliers: Enabling the trust that society needs to survive
2017-09-06 Soni, Jimmy and Goodman, Rob A mind at play: How Claude Shannon invented the information age
2017-10-14 Milner, Greg Pinpoint: How GPS is changing technology, culture, and our minds
2017-10-21 Tyson, Neil DeGrasse Astrophysics for people in a hurry
2017-10-23 O'Neil, Cathy Weapons of Math Destruction: How big data increases inequality and threatons democracy