A new decomposition model representing litter mass remaining after
time t is developed. The new decomposition model was derived by
evaluating the assumptions and limitations of the commonly used simple
exponential decay model to derive a power-law generalization as a
nonlinear di erential equation. A closed form or integrated solution
of the new model is also derived for completeness. The power-law model
is shown to perform better than the simple exponential decay model for
long term projections, and it performed as well as a two compartment,
double exponential decay decomposition model representing fast and
slow decomposition fractions without the need to assume a second
compartment. A draft of the paper is available. Please see the paper for model formulations and
parameter descriptions.
Description |
No noise |
Noise added |
Projecting a 10 year trajectory for
each model using parameter values estimated from 2.5 years of
data with no noise and with 5% noise. |
Projecting a 10 year trajectory for
each model using parameter values estimated from 5 years of
data with no noise and with 5% noise. |
Projecting a 10 year trajectory for
each model using parameter values estimated from 7.5 years of
data with no noise and with 5% noise. |
Projecting a 10 year trajectory for
each model using parameter values estimated from 10 years of
data with no noise and with 5% noise. |
Tables of estimated parameter values
with 95% confidence intervals for each model and data set. See
the paper for parameter descriptions. |
estimates without noise |
estimates with noise |